HIV 1/2 AND P24 Combo Rapid Tets.

This unit is explicit for the HIV Protease, a retroviral aspartyl protease that is basic to viral life-cycle. The Cut-N-Glow approach includes the presentation of an underlying contortion into one of the reciprocal sections (GFP 11), using a restrictively steady tie, which effectively obliges the N and C ends of GFP 11 intently in space, along these lines, decreasing the common proclivity of the two parts and obstructing protein self-gathering until the tie is separated. The bending can be switched upon site-explicit proteolysis of the tie, bringing about GFP 11 section get together with GFP 1-10, creating reconstituted, utilitarian GFP. Contingent upon the tie, the illusory GFP can act as a substrate for proteases from the three significant classes: serine, cysteine, and aspartic corrosive.

HIV 1/2 AND P24 Combo Rapid Tets

  • The human immunodeficiency infections type 1 and type 2 are the etiological specialists of the (AIDS) and related conditions.
  • HIV has been confined from patients with AIDS, AIDS related complex (ARC) and from solid people at high gamble for AIDS.
  • Contamination with HIV is trailed by an intense influenza like disease. This stage might stay inconspicuous and the relationship to HIV disease may not be clear generally speaking.
  • The intense stage is commonly trailed by an asymptomatic transporter state, which advances to clinical AIDS in around half of contaminated people in something like 10 years after seroconversion.
  • Serological proof of contamination with HIV might be acquired by testing for presence of HIV antigens or antibodies in serum of people thought for HIV disease. Antigens can commonly be identified during both intense stage and the suggestive period of AIDS as it were.
  • The Antibodies to HIV-1 or potentially HIV-2 can be identified all through basically the entire disease period, beginning at, or not long after the intense stage and enduring till the end phase of AIDS. Aside from sexual transmission, the chief course of contamination with HIV is blood bonding.
  • HIV can introduce both in cell and sans cell parts of human blood. Thusly, all gifts of blood or plasma ought to be tried because of the gamble of HIV transmission through tainted blood.
  • The ELISA tests for identification of HIV disease are portrayed with high awareness, particularity and basic activity technique.
  • There are generally proper for testing of enormous quantities of examples and presently, universally accessible are many HIV tests utilized in routine blood screening or clinical finding. Since the main HIV ELISA tests were monetarily presented in 1985, four additional ages have been created.


1. Aluminum ziplock pocket containing Determine HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Cards. Each card comprises of 5 or 10 test units which can be isolated from one another by tearing along the punctured lines. Each test unit has a cover that will be taken out for test application and perception of experimental outcomes.
2. Desiccant bundle
3. Pursue bufer: Containing sodium chloride, disodium hydrogen phosphate, and Nipasept as an additive.
4. Speedy reference card
5. Bundle embed
6. Subject data takes note: 25
7. Client letter
8. Expendable fine cylinders: 25. For assortment and move of fngerstick tests.
9. Expendable workstations: 25


Decide HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Controls (Catalog #7D2628). Each bundle contains:
– HIV-1 p24 antigen control: 1.5 mL, HIV-1 viral lysate in defbrinated pooled typical human plasma; negative for antibodies
to HIV-1, HIV-2 and HCV; negative for HBsAg.
– HIV-1 receptive control: 1.5 mL, human plasma positive for hostile to HIV-1 antibodies, weakened in defbrinated pooled ordinary
human plasma; negative for antibodies to HIV-2 and HCV; negative for HBsAg.
– HIV-2 receptive control: 1.5 mL, human plasma positive for hostile to HIV-2 antibodies, weakened in defbrinated pooled ordinary
human plasma; negative for antibodies to HIV-1 and HCV; negative for HBsAg and HIV-1 p24.
– Nonreactive control: 1.5 mL, defbrinated ordinary human plasma; negative for antibodies to HIV-1, HIV-2, and HCV;
negative for HBsAg and HIV-1 p24.
– 40 Disposable pipettes – for use testing the outside controls as it were. The expendable pipettes are not to utilized for test
patient examples.
– Bundle embed


Fingerstick Sample Collection Kit . Every assortment unit contains:
– 100 Sterile wellbeing lancets
– 100 Adhesive swathes
– 100 Ethanol swabs
– 100 Gauze cushions


• Clock, watch, or other timing gadget
• Accuracy pipette equipped for conveying 50 μL of test with dispensable tips, to be utilized in lieu of the expendable slim cylinders provided with the unit (for other than fngerstick entire blood examples)
• Expendable gloves
• Sterile bandage (for fngerstick entire blood examples)

Human HIV-1 And HIV-2 Plus P24 Antigen Fourth-Generation (HIV p24 antigen) ELISA Kit

abx257575-96tests Abbexa 96 tests 764.4 EUR

Recombinant HIV-1 p24 Antigen

HIV-279 Creative BioMart 1 vial 798.4 EUR

HIV Type 1 p24 Antigen ELISA (96 Determinations)

0801111 Zeptometrix 96T 621 EUR

HIV Type 1 p24 Antigen ELISA (96 Determinations)

801111 Zeptometrix 96 Determinations 621 EUR

HIV-1 p24 recombinant antigen.

00174-V Virogen 1 MG 850 EUR

HIV-1 p24 recombinant antigen,

00174-V-01mg Virogen 0,1 mg 321 EUR

HIV-1 p24 recombinant antigen,

00174-V-1000ug Virogen 1000 ug 1539 EUR

HIV-1 p24 recombinant antigen.

00174-V-100ugvial Virogen 100ug/vial 150 EUR

HIV-1 p24 recombinant antigen.

MBS485187-01mg MyBiosource 0.1mg 300 EUR

HIV-1 p24 recombinant antigen.

MBS485187-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 1300 EUR

HIV-1 p24 recombinant antigen.

MBS485187-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 5795 EUR

HIV Type 1 p24 Antigen ELISA 2.0 (96 Determinations)

0801002 Cusabio 96T 657.79 EUR

HIV-1 gag p24 antigen (RECOMBINANT)

HI1A-720-4 Austral Biologicals 50ug 295 EUR

HIV-1 gag p24 antigen (RECOMBINANT)

HI1A-720-5 Austral Biologicals 100ug 495 EUR

HIV-P24 antigen array kit

VArk-Lsx001 Creative Biolabs unit Ask for price

Human HIV-1 And HIV-2 Antibodies Plus P24 Antigen Fourth-Generation ELISA Kit

abx257575-05mg Abbexa 0.5 mg Ask for price

Human HIV-1 And HIV-2 Antibodies Plus P24 Antigen Fourth-Generation ELISA Kit

abx257575-100g Abbexa 100 µg 468.75 EUR

Human HIV-1 And HIV-2 Antibodies Plus P24 Antigen Fourth-Generation ELISA Kit

abx257575-1mg Abbexa 1 mg Ask for price

Recombinant HIV-1 p24 Core Antigen

HIV-277 Creative BioMart 1 vial 798.4 EUR

• Clean wipes
• Biohazard removal compartment
• Assortment gadgets for examples (other than fngerstick entire blood examples)
• Sterile lancet fit for delivering 50 µL of blood

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