Safely test SARS-CoV-2 infectivity with pPACK-SPIKE, a system for generating high titers of SARS-CoV-2 “Spike” pseudotyped lentiviral particles.
- Based on the popular and highly cited pPACKH1 packaging system from SBI
- Uses codon-optimized SARS-CoV-2 “S” protein instead of VSV-G envelope protein
- Ideal for COVID-19 research, such as neutralization assays, under BSL2 conditions
- Package any third-generation lentivector reporter of your choice, including popular SBI LentiLabeler reporters
- Use with pPACK-BALD ™, a protein-free sachet lentivector packaging system that is an ideal negative control
- Compare to Generalized D614G Spike Protein Using pPACK-SPIKE D614G